a volunteer applying a tag to a horseshoe crab

Florida Horseshoe Crab Watch Virtual Volunteer Training

Started Apr 3, 2020


Full course description

In this virtual training, we will cover information about horseshoe crab biology and management. We will also review essential skills needed to become a volunteer with Florida Horseshoe Crab Watch, a citizen science program designed to track horseshoe crab populations in Florida. This training is an alternative to traditional in-person workshops and is open to anyone interested in becoming a volunteer with the program. However, if you are able to attend an in-person training near you we recommend that option over the virtual training. 

The training will take approximately 1.5 to 2 hours to complete and can be completed in small sections at your own pace. After completion, you will connect with the Florida Horseshoe Crab Watch program closest to you to get started. 

More information:

Florida Horseshoe Crab Watch

FAQ about horseshoe crabs https://myfwc.com/research/saltwater/crustaceans/horseshoe-crabs/

Horseshoe crab blog posts from UF/IFAS

Learn about horseshoe crabs at https://horseshoecrab.org/


Sign up for this course today!
